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How To Plan, Plant & Maintain A Kitchen Garden
With many people getting more and more interested in growing their own food, kitchen gardens have become extremely popular in recent years. But what exactly is a kitchen garden and how can you create one in your backyard? The good news is you don’t need a lot of space (or money) to create a kitchen […]
Creating A Truly “Low Maintenance” Landscape
Low maintenance gardens have become a big trend in the landscape industry in the past few years as gardeners have had to limit the amount of water, time, and effort they’ve put into their landscapes. We’ll talk about some of our favorite ways to create a truly low maintenance landscape and how it can not […]
Best Winter Pruning Practices to Promote Spring Growth
An often-missed opportunity for beautifying the landscape in the winter months is deciduous shrub and tree pruning.
Why do you need a landscape design?
I’ve been a landscape designer for over a decade now and yet I still have some friends and extended family that have no idea what I actually do. They always just assume that I only do plant layout for foundation beds or small residential gardens. So when I show them photos of my projects that […]
Our Landscape Designer Featured in National Magazine
A few weeks ago we received a call from the national publication Turf Design Build Magazine. They were chatting with landscape designers from different regions of the country about the use of color in the landscape. We were lucky enough to have them choose us! Our designer talked with them about the challenges of having a short […]
Let The Games Begin – How to Build Backyard Sports Courts
We all enjoy spending time in our yards with family and friends especially on beautiful Vermont summer days. So in preparation for the 4th of July and a long weekend, here are a few tips on building the best backyard sports courts. Have Fun! Bocce: Start by constructing a wooden frame of approximately 10’ x […]
Native Plants
When we are asked about trends in the landscape industry here in Vermont, it is often mentioned that more and more clients are asking for native plants to be incorporated into their landscapes. What exactly is a native plant and why should they be incorporated into our landscapes? Well, according to the USDA (United States Department […]
Container Gardening – Home & Garden Show Workshop Summary
There are many things to take into consideration when it comes to container gardening. First you need to determine the placement of your planters. Are they going to be permanent or are you going to need to be able to move them? After you decide where you want them, you need to decide how many […]
Landscape Design Trend – Fire Pits
As made evident by the photo of our work gracing the cover of The Best of Central Vermont Trend Watch this Spring, fire pits are becoming more and more popular in the landscape. They have become one of the first things that new clients ask to be incorporated into landscape designs of both new landscapes & […]